In 1992, our mother, Kathy Barsotti, transformed our farm’s traditional CSA program into a revolutionary concept — an organic home-delivery service. This service, aptly called Farm Fresh To You, started with just a handful of members and delivery of our Capay Organic farm boxes from the back of our grandparent’s old Buick. Today, we are proud to continue our mother’s legacy by bringing the season’s best mix of organic produce and specialty grocery products conveniently to your door. With your su
In 1992, our mother, Kathy Barsotti, transformed our farm’s traditional CSA program into a revolutionary concept — an organic home-delivery service. This service, aptly called Farm Fresh To You, started with just a handful of members and delivery of our Capay Organic farm boxes from the back of our grandparent’s old Buick. Today, we are proud to continue our mother’s legacy by bringing the season’s best mix of organic produce and specialty grocery products conveniently to your door. With your support, we are able to grow and partner with other like-minded farmers and artisans who are passionate about sustainability and building a better food system.