Candied Orange Peels

Candied Orange Peels

We love eating these candied orange peels straight from the plate, but they're also cute as a cupcake garnish or served on a cheese plate.


3 navel oranges

1 cup sugar



Trim 1/2 inch off the ends of the oranges, then make a slit in the rinds and scoop out the flesh. Slice the peels into 1/3-inch wide strips, put in a bowl, cover with water, and refrigerate overnight.

Transfer the strips to a medium pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Drain the strips and set aside. In the same pot, bring 1 cup sugar and 1/2 cup water to a boil until the sugar dissolves. Add the orange strips. Simmer until soft and glazed, about 30 minutes.

Dry the orange strips on a rack until tacky. Roll in sugar and dip ends in melted chocolate, if desired. Makes 40-50 strips.


vegetable plate

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